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Central Coast coastline - financial planning, wealth preservation, retirement planning, estate planning, BD Oxford Financial

Local and family operated on the Central Coast


Legacy | Community | Wealth Preservation

30 Years of Proudly Serving

The Central Coast

ROTH IRA Conversions

At BD Oxford Financial, we guide our clients through the complexities of ROTH IRA conversions. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you understand the benefits of tax-free income and how to achieve it without reducing your principal. Our team provides personalized strategies tailored to your unique financial situation, helping you optimize your retirement savings and minimize tax liabilities. Explore our ROTH conversion services and discover how we can help you secure a financially stable future.

ROTH IRA Conversions

Enjoy the benefits of tax-free conversions with our ROTH Conversion strategy.

ROTH Conversions icon - tax-free retirement savings, BD Oxford Financial

Life Insurance

Protect your loved ones with tailored life insurance plans.

Life Insurance icon - family protection, secure future, BD Oxford Financial

Charitable & Estate Planning

Ensure your legacy with strategic trust  planning. 

Estate Planning icon - legal protection, legacy planning, BD Oxford Financial

Simplified Rollovers

Seamlessly transition your retirement accounts.

Simplified Rollovers icon - seamless retirement account transition, BD Oxford Financial

Index Annuities

Safety First. Secure your income with reliable annuity options.

Index Annuities icon - secure income, financial stability, BD Oxford Financial

 Market Investments

Diversify your portfolio with low-risk investments.

Market Investments icon - portfolio diversification, financial growth, BD Oxford Financial

ROTH IRA Conversions

Why not enjoy a tax-free retirement.  Schedule a consultation today - we'll run the numbers and show you what makes the most sense.

1. Discovery

Our first appointment is a no-obligation "fact finding" to determine what your retirement income streams will look like, and which are taxable.  We'll take into account all income sources - including Social Security.

2. We Build Your Comprehensive Plan

We'll look for tax advantages as determined by your income streams and liquidity requirements in retirement. We'll determine and present which retirement accounts may benefit from a Roth Conversion.

3. Strategy Appointment

We present the plan and answer your questions.  We make any adjustments needed based on your feedback.

4. Implementation Appointment

After all of your questions have been answered, it's time to implement the plan.

Following implementation, we would expect to meet with you at least once a year for a financial check-up.

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