Are you involved in raising charitable donations? We may be able to help increase donations by up to 300%.
We have teamed with financial institutions that are funding life insurance policies structured so that organizations like yours can receive guaranteed yearly donations without any money out of the organizations, or the donors pocket book in most cases.
It's not too good to be true. The strategy used is a complex life insurance strategy that the insured's premium is financed by a bank. The policy is structured to potentially make regular payments to whomever is designated. Once the donors life ends the death benefit is used to pay the loan and interest back to the bank, and the remainder is paid to the beneficiary (either person(s) or organization).

Here are numbers from an example policy:
Male aged 57 years that doesn't use tobacco is funded to purchase a life insurance policy with an initial increasing death benefit $7,952,344.
Loan amount paid as premiums: $10,000,000
Death benefit at year-30: $90,067,966
Cash value at year-30: $69,430,923
Total charitable donation through year-30: $9,820,000
Approximate interest deferred through year-30: $3,746,449
Assumed death at year-30, remaining endowment: $20,689,285
These numbers are staggering. We are offering an exclusive proprietary program that has never been available before in the U.S. The best part is that all parties have something to gain. Of course, there are stringent qualification factors to engage in a premium finance policy. Banks have to vet clients worth and ability to cover the loan amount as they would in most lending situations.
Something to consider is that, according to Compassion International, over 95% of people in the US give something to charity for various reasons. It's not a surprise that some do it for the tax deduction. Other reasons people and corporations donate are:
Giving back to society to help improve their communities
To have a specific impact or bring about a desired result
To live out the belief that those with more should help those with less
Are you involved in raising charitable donations? We would love to speak to you and pair you with a donor, or get to know your donors and show them how they can donate more... with nothing out of pocket.
Barry Oxford
BD Oxford Financial Incorporated
(805) 434-6971